HaMagen: All Issues
Times for Parashat Pekudei
Important messages and links
* Chometz Sale Form: https://tinyurl.com/MAChometzSale
* Daf Hashavua: https://www.theus.org.uk/category/daf-hashavua
* Latest Newsletter: https://www.magenavot.com/latest-newsletter
* Bereavement Support: https://theus.org.uk/resources/death-and-burial/
* MA Broadcast Group: https://tinyurl.com/mabroadcast
* MA Social Group: https://tinyurl.com/masocialgroup
* MA Chesed Group: https://tinyurl.com/machesed2023
* MA Security Group: http://tinyurl.com/masecurity
* MA Ten Years Group: https://tinyurl.com/MATenYears
* MA Minis/Maxis Group: https://tinyurl.com/MAMagenM
Forthcoming and Previous Events