This October will mark the first Simchat Torah since the horrific events of October 7th.
Simchat Torah is a day of joy, celebration, and hakafot- we dance – but Simchat Torah 5785 will also mark the first yahrzeit of the 1200 victims of October 7th and the many soldiers and hostages who have since died, Al Kiddush Hashem. How do we, the Jewish people, respond? On Simchat Torah, will we dance? Should we dance? How do we commemorate this poignant and difficult anniversary?
King Solomon offers us guidance in Kohelet, which we will read on Sukkot, “There is a time for everything under the Heavens…. a time to mourn and a time to dance.”
This Simchat Torah, with tears in our eyes, we will dance.
Synagogues around the world will open their Aron HaKodesh on Simchat Torah and one Sefer Torah will be adorned with a new me’il (Torah cover), designed to mark the first yahrzeit of October 7th. This me’il will be identical in 1600 synagogues across the world. Magen Avot is proud to be one of those.
The suggested donation per member or per family is £20. Any amounts received in excess of the target will go to Yad Ezra V'Shulamit. Anyone wishing to donate directly to Yad Ezra V'Shulamit can use the following link:
To contribute either contact Simon Bentley
or make a direct payment to the Shul account as follows:-
Account name: Magen Avot, Sort Code: 60-80-07,
Account Number: 60217278, Reference: STProject24